Hotel of Good Teran


The objective of the Hotel of Good Teran is to bring together producers of teran who also provide accommodation from both sides of the border, so that in combination there is sure to be a full Karst experience to our guests.

It is based on the dispersed hotel model, as the accommodations are spread across the Karst, on both sides of the border, with the serving as a virtual reception desk.

Accommodations at the dispersed hotel include private suites, family houses, and renovated old homesteads. The accommodation is suitable for couples, families, and smaller groups. Every guest to the Hotel of Good Teran gets to visit the Karst and live there. This way they can to experience the people, villages, nature, traditions, and the cuisine. They can establish friendly relations with the people of Karst, and a glass of good teran can make them even more genuine.

About us

The Association Consortium of Karst Teran Makers administrates the website It was created in the scope of the Agrotur project, cofinanced with the Cross-Border Cooperation Programme Slovenia – Italy 2007-2013 from the funds of the European Fund for Regional Development and national funds.


    Projekt je sofinanciran v okviru Programa čezmejnega sodelovanja Slovenija-Italija 2007-2013 iz sredstev Evropskega sklada za regionalni razvoj in nacionalnih sredstev.  |  Progetto finanziato nell'ambito del Programma per la Cooperazione Transfrontaliera Italia-Slovenia 2007-2013, dal Fondo europeo di sviluppo regionale e dai fondi nazionali.